Posted Tuesday, February 26, 2008 by the Pulchritudinous Women of PRC

If you're living north of Texas, odds are you're living in snow. Icy cold that's not as cycling friendly as we'd like it to be. So, if you're like us you're looking for other ways to "train". Work on your handling skills with this
Weird Bicycle Game. See if you can score more than 5000!
Q: Why couldn't the bicycle stand up on its own?
A: Because it was TWO TIRED!
Oh the jokes... the jokes.
Emily's Race Report~
Posted Monday, February 25, 2008 by the Pulchritudinous Women of PRC

Emily and Jane raced at the
Birkebeiner XC Ski Race this past weekend.
Here is Emily's race report from the Birkie:
"I beat Jane"!The End.
Bags! Ooooh Yeah!~
Posted by the Pulchritudinous Women of PRC

Can you guess what the PRC crew will be using as their team race bags? 1. Environmentally safe, unbleached, hand bags made from the skin of the tattered eldery. 2. Whatever sucker is willing to happily carry our crap around. 3. No bags needed. We got Star Trekian teleporters to "beam" our stuff around. 4. We'll just tie bob sleds to our bikes. 5. Sick Chrome bags embroidered with the PRC logo.
If you chose 5... then you're probably correct. Though we're still researching option 1.
Kelli Got Welli~
Posted Thursday, February 21, 2008 by the Pulchritudinous Women of PRC

Kelli is feeling a ton better, she's kicked the flu, and is back in her psuedo cubicle plugging away for the betterment of us all. Kelli sends thanks to everyone who dropped her a "get-well" line.
So... different topic, we're looking for the brilliant ideas from all 8 people who read this website. Where should the PRC squad hold their spring training camp? California at Specialized? Texas at Hell Week? Indiana at Maria's Alma Mater? Alberta because it's just not cold enough here? Kosovo? I've heard Kosovo is ablaze with beauty this time of year.
Punk Periodical~
Posted Saturday, February 16, 2008 by the Pulchritudinous Women of PRC

It's February here in Northeastern Wisconsin. That means two things: it's both time to start riding my bike more often, and too cold to go outside. I know what you're saying, "Quit being such a girl! Suck it up and go outside!" Well, with the skin flaking off my frostbitten left ear, I can swear to you that I've tried. Gone are the days of long rides in the crisp air and bright colors of the country side. The trainer days are really upon us now.
It's not easy. The trainer holds so many more hurdles than just finding the time to ride. There's the boredom, the "other kinds" of pain, the numbness, and having to readjust just about everything that can be adjusted on your bike. The first day I had to ride the trainer, I only lasted about a half hour before I got off my bike screaming and went for a jog. The next day I was able to last a little longer and settled on a compromise with myself: ride as much of the time I was supposed to on the trainer and jog the rest. Eventually I could get up to four hours the trainer, and as the temperature continued to drop, walking out to get the mail became a challenge and an hour long jog an impossibility.
The trainer builds a whole different kind of endurance; it builds your endurance to things that just really suck. There is not one aspect of riding the trainer that is enjoyable; however, it is a necessary evil. Riding the trainer is better than not riding your bike at all, and in the summer it's nice to not have to ride around some town you don't know trying to find somewhere to warm up when your start time is in an hour (or less).
It's getting harder and harder to get on the trainer now, but that means that the trainer days are coming to an end. "You can only go halfway into the dark forest before you start coming back out," reads a Chinese Proverb, if you can forgive my being overly dramatic. It may not seem like it, but Spring is coming upon us with the same stealth as winter had come. It's already mid February and the first races of the Midwestern season are just a few weeks away. Soon, we will be riding through puddles and feeling the wind on our faces again. Until then, as you spin out those disheartening trainer hours, remember your winning moves, hopeful breaks, and time suspending sprints from last year. Keep on grinding, for this year there will be more!
Auction Winner: MARK GUTHART!~
Posted Monday, February 11, 2008 by the Pulchritudinous Women of PRC

We are SUPER EXCITED to announce that the winner of the Valentine's Dinner with Kelli and Jane is our most favorite USAC Race Official, Mark Guthart! It nevers stops amazing us just how awesome Mark is. He works so many of the races here in Iowa, he's always friendly, he's always excited, and he's always super-super nice.
Mark took the dinner auction with a bid in the final seconds of $405! He'll soon be joining Jane and Kelli for a dinner at a swank downtown Des Moines restaurant. He'll get himself a PRC tishirt made of only the finest cotton. Swag from Rasmussen Bike Shop and Specialized, plus a hand written letter of thanks from Kelli and Jane, each letter scented with only the finest perfumes that Walgreens has to offer.
Thanks again to everyone who threw their name into the auction. We really appreciate all the support and kind letters we recieved along the way. If you were one of the unfortunate souls who lost on the auction but you'd still like to help out in some way please contact us at
this email.
Thanks again Mark! We'll be seeing you soon.
You're The Guest of Ana~
Posted Sunday, February 10, 2008 by the Pulchritudinous Women of PRC

Get it? Guest of ANA!?! Whatever.
On a cold Saturday the crew crashed the bike shop for a few after-hour beers, then took some awesome sponsors out for Mexican food at El Aguila Real, then met up with a whole posse of people at Star Bar. All to help Ana get integrated with the rockin people in our community of cyclists!
If you were there, odds are
we got a photo of you mocking a tattered orphan and insulting the elderly women.
Jane Says Thanks!~
Posted by the Pulchritudinous Women of PRC
All9Yards has posted its
Iowa Cup calendar. I, for one, am so pleased to see separate Women's Open and Women Cat 4 categories. This gesture not only acknowledges women's increasing presence in the sport, but encourages it by giving beginning women their own forum for competition. Thanks to all you race promoters on board with this approach.
Score for women's racing!
Ten Bucks To Rassy's~
Posted by the Pulchritudinous Women of PRC

Check this out! By printing and presenting
this coupon at Rasmussen Bike Shop you'll be saving $10 on your next purchase of $25 or more. That means you're getting up to 40% off kid! Plus the crew at Rasmussen Bike Shop will be rewarding the PRC team with every coupon returned... and that's good. Everyone wins!
PRINT THE COUPON and get yourself over to Rasmussen Bike Shop ASAP!
Ana's Granola Recipe~
Posted by the Pulchritudinous Women of PRC

According to Wikipedia "granola" can be used as a slang term describing a person who is hippie-like, a modern bohemian, environmentalist, or leftist in outlook. The term "Granola" is often used derisively by political Conservatives to describe Liberals as being mostly "fruits, nuts and flakes". Also vastly seen as a style of dress, independent of an individual's political or philosophical ideology.
So... with that bit of humor and Super Tuesday rolling in tomorrow we thought it'd be a good time to post a proper granola recipe. This one coming straight from Ana's kitchen.
4 cups of Old Fashioned or regular Oats
1/2 cup chopped/sliced/slivered almonds (or any nut you want to put in)
1/3 cup Flax Meal
1-2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 - 1/2 cup maple syrup (or you could use honey or brown sugar)
1/4 cup Canola oil
1/4 cup Orange Juice (or you could do water or Good apple juice)
1 cup raisins
Add the raisins after the granola has been cooked.
Preheat oven to 250.
Combine all dry ingredients (not including raisins) in one bowl and all the wet ingredients in another. After thoroughly mixing both add them toegether and mix well. Spread into a large baking pan or cookie sheet that has been sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Put in oven and bake for 1hr 15 minutes, STIRRING EVERY 15 MINUTES.
If this sounds like too long for your oven then you could preheat the oven to 300, bake for 10 min, stir and then bake for another 10 before taking it out but I think it works better when you cook it for longer and at the lower temp. You can leave out the flax meal (ground flax seeds) if you want, it won't make a difference, I just like it cause it adds a bit more fiber and some good fats. -Ana