I mean, seriously, how many more of these toys are out there? Too many more and I will just never work. At least this is what I said when we first heard of it shortly after its launch and promptly went on strike against even logging on to check it out.
For you newbies (or as the techy geeks might say, LATE adapters), essentially Twitter is people writing one line about what they are doing. Um, a status update. Whatever. Another one? I'll take Facebook status updates any day, I thought.
But then I read a story on, get this...Facebook, about someone hosting a party for all her "Twitter Friends." The next day she posted pictures of all these folks, arms around one another, beers in tow. "The Twitters Finally Meet" read the headline. You've got to be kidding me, I thought. What kind of geeks…
Well hells bells, the pics, they all looked NORMAL. Not a one in a Star Trek t-shirt. And then there was a Twitter ROMANCE I read about.
So of course, I eventually log on and check Twitter out. Turns out Twitter has Lance Armstrong "twittering." I have never been a big Lance fan, but a quick run through his Twitters and I am astonished at how often he updates his um, "twitter."
And I was also astonished at how much information I could glean from this guy on any given day about the general course of his life; his workouts, his foundation, his ex-wife, his kids, friends, interviews, drug tests.
He actually updates the thing every few hours. From here, I could see just how insane the guy's schedule is on any given day, how many hours he's riding, with whom, and I think most interestingly, within seconds, EVERY time the drug lords come knocking, Lance Twitters. We are at 10 pees and counting, for those of you who are interested.
I have been simultaneously intrigued at the issues Lance seems to care about. I've checked out new bands, art exhibitions, articles, photographers, friends, and have also watched as he's single handedly gotten other cyclists Twittering.
You can find him (and links to all the things Lance loves) at:
www.twitter.com/lancearmstrong and I am now considering inviting him to my first Twitter party. ;)