I have been told for years by various people on two wheels that I ought to give this racing thing a try. And now, in the midst of my inaugural season, I am slowly beginning to learn that this racing thing is a lot like amassing knowledge in the real world: the more you learn, the less you realize you know.
I was always too tired from being a mama, too broke, too scared, and the whole idea of racing just seemed very untouchable for an infinite number of reasons. And yet, as a single mother, with a very active, athletic child, it has perhaps, never been more important for me as a parent to set an example for my son of what commitment to a team, dedication and hard work are all about.
As parents, and especially as single working parents, we constantly utter the inevitable; “but there isn’t enough time.”
And believe me, there have been weeks like the last couple that have tested and tried my notion of why I ever thought this was a good idea. You take in one week five baseball practices/games, track practices, school events, work, and promotional events, two races, rides and training, and wow….
But somehow, my son and I are managing all of this happily, dancing around our house in our spare minutes and loving each and every one of them; joking each morning as we rub sleep from our eyes, the happiest we’ve been in years.
Because of the loving support of my 9 year old son, my family, this great group of women, and more importantly, because of this great group of sponsors, I have been able to jump on a bike and foray into racing in a capacity that quite simply otherwise would not be possible. I am so very, very grateful.
A shout of very inadequate thanks to:
1. Rasmussen’s Bike Shop: Best bike shop in Iowa. Hands down. If you can leave this place without laughing, learning something, and buying something…well, there might be something wrong.
2. Elder Corporation: your contribution to our team and our success has been the glue that keeps this team going. You move dirt, AND change lives. Mine is testament.
3. Papa Johns: thank you for taking a chance on us, and specifically on me. Your pizza at our Wednesday night rides is also pretty darned good too.
4. Visionary Services: seeing your family on a bike at the Rally at the Capitol put your passion and drive all into perspective.
5. RBS Safety, Oakley Rob, Specialized, Maharry Photography, D.E. Smith Photography, SMASH, Harlot…y’all rock, and are patient and wonderful beyond measure.
6. My teammates: for answering my incessant questions, laughing at my awful jokes, putting up with my child stealing your stuffed animals, accepting him as your own and never, ever giving up on me. And especially Keri, for dragging me in to this in the first place, and never, ever seeing the cup half empty.
Thank you really seems inadequate.
I lay in bed with my son last night chatting before I put him to sleep. He said: “Mama, I want you to know that I am really proud of you for how you are riding your bike. I know it makes you happy, and that makes me happy. I want to be good at baseball and football and basketball, just like you are good at riding your bike.”
Without these sponsors, these people…I am laying in that bed with my kid, eating a candy bar….dreaming of racing, some day.